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Last updated Jan 2, 2023 Edit Source

Tasks without context won’t help you achieve big things, so every task should serve their purpose: as part of a project, or part of a responsibility.

PARA is a system created by Tiago Forte, created to organize digital information.

PARA have some great ideas that I implement in my own task and knowledge management:

# Every task should be in a project or resopnsibility

PARA create a distiction between Projects and Area (or responsibility), because task will emerge from each, but with a very different output or impact. Tasks from a responsibility usually is recurring, and mostly ’endless’, meaning there will be no end of it as long as you have the responsibility related to it. Task from a project on the other hand, should have an end point, which is the end of the project. If we don’t differentiate those two, progress of projects are slow because usually not as urgent as tasks from responsibilities.

Several guidelines that I use to handle task:

# Every Project Should be supporting a clear Goal

Every Project should live inside an Area, but what makes them different with other tasks in an Area is that Project should have a short term goal, and usually related with improvement. An interesting exercise from the author is to make a Goal List and a Project List, and make connection between those two:

# Have a consistent foldering/naming system across all your tools

PARA advise you to have the same folder structure between tools/platform, so you can have consistency in managing tasks and projects. This will be very important if you manage multiple projects at the same time.